The following is a part of 48 Japanese GI products that are protected in the EU.(as of September 2020).
日本の GI 産品のうち、EU 内で保護される日本の GI48 品をご紹介します。(2020年9月現在 )
TRADITIONAL AUTHENTIC YAME GYOKURO is Japanese tea with a fragrant aroma. The fresh, hand-picked leaves are produced in Yame City and surrounding mountainous areas and are processed using traditional methods.Among Japanese tea, “Gyokuro” is characterized by its distinctive aonori (green laver)-like aroma called a “blanket scent” by covering the raw leaves while they are growing. In general, “Gyokuro tea” is covered with chemical fibre materials, but for the fresh leaves of Traditional Authentic Yame Gyokuro, natural materials are used, such as rice straw. Compared to chemical fibre materials, the temperature and humidity inside the coating are more suitable for tea bud growth. Whereas the harvesting surface of regular Gyokuro is grown so as to be hemispherical, this Gyokuro tree is left to grow naturally so that sufficient nutrients are allowed to reach each tea bud.
KUMAMOTO KENSAN IGUSA is the soft rush transformed into beautiful high-quality tatami facing by a traditional “mud-dyeing” method. The white cotton-like structure inside the soft rush forms a dense honeycomb, which has excellent humidity adjusting and harmful substance adsorption properties.Kumamoto Prefecture is regarded as a very distinctive region of Japan for soft rush, and soft rush grown in Yatsushiro City, Hikawa Town, Uki City, and Asagiri Town in Kumamoto Prefecture accounts for as much as 90% of the nation’s tatami production.
OITA KABOSU is a type of citrus fruit cultivated in Oita Prefecture. It is harvested when green and its fragrance is most pronounced and is then shipped to fruit and vegetable markets. Featuring a refreshing scent and not-too-strong acidity, its juice is used for cooking, where its excellent flavour complements the original taste of the ingredients.In general, kabosu are harvested as green fruits from late August in open-field cultivation. Although they turn yellow from October to November, Oita Kabosu harvested before then are stored, and not shipped until around February the following year. Moreover, from March onwards, kabosu grown in greenhouses are shipped, leading the establishment of an all-year-round system called “Green kabosu”.
Miyazaki Prefecture is home to over 400 km of coastline, and thanks to the warm Kuroshio current that runs through the Pacific Ocean and Kyushu mountains that keep out the cold northerly winds, the area enjoys an excellent climate for animal husbandry all year-round and is home to the leading cattle raising ranches in all of Japan. Enjoying the pedigree of cattle raised over generations within the borders of Miyazaki Prefectures, their excellent calves are reared in superb conditions, with ranchers only producing meat of a BMS no. 4 and above. Miyazaki beef is of the very highest quality, recognised as such nationally, having delicate marbling and producing a sweet taste and mellow aroma that fills the entire mouth with its succulence.
From the Edo period (1600 – 1868), vinegar made from rice as a raw material in Fukuyama Town, Kagoshima Prefecture, has been brewed using an outdoor pot. As this vinegar goes through the aging process it takes on the color of amber and so it is called Kagoshima no Tsubozukuri Kurozu (Kagoshima’s black pot vinegar, otherwise, black vinegar).Its production method is unique in that fermentation is carried out by using outdoor jars, and after aging, its color changes from brown to black-brown. A characteristic aroma and mellow sourness are said to emanate from the course of this long-term aging.
Whilst smaller in size than their Wenzhou cousins, Sakurajima komikan have an average weight of 50 g and a diameter of less than 5 cm, making them the world’s smallest mandarin oranges. Their skin gives off a fresh, citrusy scent and is often used as a condiment, though their flesh is soft and juicy, and attains the perfect balance between sweet and sour. Cultivated since antiquity, it was long before the late 19th century when Wenzhou mandarin oranges became the norm in Japan. They are grown in the Sakurajima area located almost right in the centre of Kagoshima Prefecture. Today, however, those grown to be eaten raw can only be found in Kagoshima. With a harvest season lasting from around the end of November until the end of December, they have become practically synonymous with wintertime in the region and are a staple year-end gift.
This flavourful, sour, and characteristically native citrus has grown in the towns of Kimotsuki and Minamiosumi on the southern tip of the Osumi peninsula in Kagoshima Prefecture since antiquity and has been used by locals to garnish seafood dishes and for making vinegar sauces, a simple staple indispensable to everyday local cuisine. A different species from the bitter orange, its flesh is also of a much smaller size in granularity while its skin is thinner and smoother. When freshly picked during the harvest season running from August until October, their skin is still green and is used as a substitute for vinegar in local cuisine due to their acidity and the large amount of juice they produce. Their skin has the same kind of distinctive aroma as that of limes, but by November and December, when they change to yellow and lose their acidity, they acquire a much more gentle flavour.
If Kuroge Wagyu cattle are primarily raised until slaughter in Kagoshima the beef can be certified as Kagoshima Kuroushi. With a smooth, soft quality to the speckled beef, it is full of unsaturated fatty acids that have a low melting point, creating a delicate yet firm texture that practically melts in the mouth, perfectly balancing fattiness with a savoury taste and making Kagoshima black wagyu famous throughout Japan.
In 2017, at a prize show held once every five years judging the best Wagyu in the country, Kuroge Wagyu took home the top prizes in 4 of the nine total categories, dominating the competition. In the beef cattle category, the breed was awarded an excellence in meat prize which, in addition to the brand receiving the highest marks overall of all competitors, cemented its position as the ultimate brand of beef in all Japan.
鹿児島県における飼養期間が最長かつ最終飼養地である黒毛和種の牛肉です。その肉質は、きめ細かく柔らかい肉質にバランス良く織り込まれた、不飽和脂肪酸と呼ばれる融点の低い霜降りが織りなすとろけるような食感と、繊細ながらもしっかりとした肉と脂の旨みが特徴で、全国的な認知度を有しています。 2017年には、5年に一度の和牛日本一が決定する全国和牛能力共進会で、全9部門のうち4部門を制覇。肉牛部門で「最優秀技肉賞」を獲得するなど総合優勝を果たしており、全国ブランド牛の頂点に輝きました。
This non-carbonated beverage comes from the liquid primarily made from Ryukyu mash vinegar by compressing and filtering the dregs of mash used to make the famous Okinawa liquor known as Awamori. By taking the Ryukyu mash vinegar as it is, or after adding a little brown sugar or fruit juice for seasoning, the beverage can be adjusted for either straight consumption or for use in cooking.While amber in colour and sour tasting, it is different from typical table vinegars and black vinegars where the primary acidic component is acetic acid. Ryukyu Moromi Vinegar’s primary acidic component comes from citric acid without assaulting the nostrils nor having any of the astringent aroma associated with vinegar.